Friday, December 31, 2010

The one addiction I DON'T have

It's really weird, but the one thing I can't get addicted to is gambling. I guess gambling is an outside stimulant, and that's just not my bag.

Some dude gave me his winnings voucher to go cash his thousand, and tipped me $100. I pocketed it, and have no intention of parting with it.

I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, its just weird.

What? Really?

Hahaha, there's a "monetize" tab here on blogspot, where you can choose to put in ads, and where you would want the ads to go, so that the people reading your blog can click it and make you money.

I won't be doing that.

I'm in the process of planning out a string of acoustic shows, where the proceeds will go to help the victims of people who get drunk and do stupid things. Yeah, I COULD be more specific on that, but I won't be. I'll publicize my life to no extent, but it's not my place to make other people's problems public. That's all for now, keep your eyes open for more info.

It's always darkest before the dawn?

They say its always darkest before the dawn. I think its always darkest before my actions rear their ugly head and make it a little darker.

Oh well, my name is Kevin Delaney, and this is my story.

I'm 24, I live in Milwaukee, and I'm a musician. I have a drinking problem. No, scratch that. My drinking problem has a drinking problem. My drinking problem is so big it can start franchising.

I have surrounded myself with the best people in the world, which is a blessing and a curse. It means that everyone close to me is a great person, but it means that when my actions hurt someone around me, its hurting someone I really care about.

Like I said, I'm 24, but I don't know if I'll make it to 30. I'm really not sure I'll make it to 25. I'm not suicidal or anything, that's just the reality with this disease.